ワカバコーヒーによる舞踏のワークショップ、蟠龍寺にて開催。For English, please scroll down.




舞踏ワークショップin 蟠龍寺

昼の部 15:00-18:00
夜の部 18:30-21:30


料金 3300円(現金のみ) 各回 定員12名ほど


Butoh Workshop in Vanryuji

The venue is Vanryuji Temple, a Jodo sect temple located a 10-minute walk from Meguro Station. Along with Amida Nyorai, the temple enshrines Sarasvati, who presides over the performing arts and the arts. In the main hall of the temple, where the Buddha statue enshrines, this Butoh workshop will be held with the theme of facing one’s own body and dance with sincerity.

In this butoh workshop, we will be especially focusing on the “process of change”. There’s warm-up based on yoga. It will help you to balance and strengthen your body.

September 1st
Afternoon class 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Evening class 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Evening Class is available! Drop in is ok too!

Fee: 3300yen each(cash only)
Reservation form