for English, please scroll down.
料金:前売り 3000円 当日 3300円ワークショップ:10月5日(土)13:00〜15:00/ 2,500円(公演をご予約の方は500円OFF!)定員に達しました!場所:高架下空き倉庫(東京都杉並区阿佐谷南2-36)
出演者:Kana Kitty、石井あみ、菜月、渡邉茜、ワカバコーヒー(川村真奈、若羽幸平)
Wo Z Me

Wakaba Coffee Butoh Project “Wozme”
Performance dates: October 4 (Fri.) 5:00 p.m., October 5 (Sat.) 5:00 p.m., October 6 (Sun.) 2:00 p.m.
Venue:Kokashita akisoko
Address:2-36 Asagayaminami, Suginami-ku, Tokyo (https://www.jrtk.jp/koukashita-akisoko/)
Fee: 3,000 yen (3,300yen at the door)
Butoh Workshop
Date: Saturday, October 5, 13:00-15:00
Venue: same as above👆
Fee: 2,500 yen (500 yen OFF for those who have booked the “Wozume” performance!)
For questions, etc., please contact info@wakaba.coffee

Kana Kitty

自身の表現を探求すべく、師を持たず独自に踊り始める。ヨーロッパを始め国内外の芸術祭に招聘される一方、映画「劇場版 おっさんずラブ」やDIR EN GREY「落ちた事のある空」他、映像作品への出演多数。2021・22年 MUTEK出演、その他テクノDJとの共演、ファッションブランドのモデルなど活動は多岐に渡り、舞踏の認知拡大・次世代の舞踏の提示に努めている。
Kana Kitty began dancing independently without a teacher in order to explore her own expression. She has been invited to many national and international art festivals in Europe and abroad, and has performed in many films, including Ossan’s Love the Movie and DIR EN GREY’s music video, and performed at MUTEK in 2021 and 2022. She also performs with techno DJs, models for fashion brands and is involved in a wide range of other activities, striving to expand the recognition of butoh and present the next generation of butoh.

幼少期からクラシックバレエを始め、現在はコンテンポラリーからストリートまで様々なジャンルを学びながら、自身の表現の方法を模索している。MISIA「Higher Love」や Best Artist「ブラックビスケッツ」などアーティストのバックダンサーやMVに多数出演。ワカバコーヒーのワークショップにて舞踏を研究中。かに座、コーヒーはまだ飲めない。
Ami Ishii started classical ballet as a child and is currently studying various genres, fromcontemporary to street dance, while seeking her own way of expression.She has performed as a back dancer for artists such as MISIA’s ‘Higher Love’ and Best Artist’s ‘Black Biscuits’ and in many music videos. She is currently studying Butoh in a workshop at Wakaba Coffee.

Studied a wide range of dance from childhood, from classical ballet to street dance.Impressed by the world of Butoh expression, she stepped into it. While learning various dances, she has built up her own unique style of expression, valuing sensitivity and feeling without being bound by form. She lives to express the feelings that come up from within.Aspiring to become an expressionist, she is a member of the Butoh Ishii Gumi, led by Norihito Ishii (Sankai Juku).

3歳より湯原園子、花輪洋治の下で現代舞踊を学ぶ。桜美林大学にて木佐貫邦子にコンテンポラリーダンスを師事。伊藤キム、鈴木ユキオ、鈴木拓朗等多数演出家作品に出演。岩本大紀(山海塾)主宰、「伊邪那美」に所属し、舞踏家として活動している。2022年、伊邪那美「Concursio」がSAI DANCEFESTIVALにて First Prize Duo 部門受賞。
Studied contemporary dance under Sonoko Yuhara and Yoji Hanawa from the age of three. Studied contemporary dance under Kuniko Kisanuki at Ohbirin University. Has performed in works by numerous directors, including Kim Ito, Yukio Suzuki and Takuro Suzuki. As a butoh dancer, she belongs to the group Izanami, which is led by Taiki Iwamoto (Sankai Juku). In 2022, ‘Concursio’ by Izanami won the First Prize Duo category at the SA DANCEFESTIVAL.